Request Proof of Insurance

Request Proof of Insurance

Plastridge Insurance Agency is pleased to partner with EOI Direct for the delivery of your Condominium & HOA certificates of insurance.


Certificates of Insurance can be obtained immediately by visiting or by calling EOI Direct’s toll-free helpdesk at (877) 456-3643 Monday through Friday between the hours of 9AM and 8PM (EST).


EOI Direct is an online utility designed to provide state-of-the-art, round-the-clock access to condominium certificates of insurance so our agency can now meet the demands of certificates of insurance 24×7.  They have a responsive help desk that can accommodate those who do not have internet access and those who do not want to go online to obtain this information.

      • A delivery fee is charged by EOI Direct for the immediate access and delivery of this information when a certificate of insurance is requested for the purpose of facilitating a new loan.

      • Homeowners who simply need to provide proof of coverage for an existing loan, per their lender’s mailed request, can obtain that information free of charge.

      • Summaries of master policies—showing those coverages currently in effect—are also made available at no cost.

      • The fee that is charged only applies to new loans whereby a lender requires that a certificate be customized for a purchase, refinance or line of credit.

        • New Certificate for New Loan (depending on delivery method) – $27.95 – 37.95

        • Renewal Certificate Requested by Homeowner – FREE


Should you receive a request for a condominium certificate of insurance, please refer the individual to EOI Direct’s website and toll-free help desk below:



EOI Direct’s toll-free helpdesk at (877) 456-3643 Monday through Friday between the hours of 9AM and 8PM (EST).


Click here for Renewal Certificate Instructions



Please select the type of Proof of Insurance you’re requesting

Unit Owners (for Condo and Homeowners Associations)


Association Certificate Requestors – (Lenders, Mortgagors, etc.)


Contractors – Please send your request to our Contractors email:

[email protected]


WEBSITE INQUIRY DISCLAIMER: Please note completion of any request(s) for information does not constitute the purchase of insurance. No coverage may be added, changed or bound as a result of submitting a request for information or quotation of insurance. All coverage must be confirmed by the agency in writing subject to an acceptable signed application meeting the underwriting guidelines of the Insurance Company.

We’re here when you need us.
